subject matter

Chiagoziem Jideofor

what war isn’t alive and within,
like worm eating up the insides, like fire,

or something that breathes fire,

pulsates, rolls into a ball, and would spit, spit.

what war is without thoughts of dying

in the worst ways, stain for days,

life without our relics, parceled

memories of cities where we’ve laughed, droned in.

what war, recounted as in the past,

yet is inside all of us, ugly pieces of clockwork.

Chiagoziem Jideofor is Igbo and Queer. Her poems have appeared or are scheduled to appear in POETRY, Reunion: The Dallas Review, Obsidian, ANOMLY, the minnesota review, berlin lit, Yaba Left Review, Passengers Journal, Superstition Review, Rigorous, Spectrum Literary Journal, Untitled: Voices, Versification, and so on. Also a self-taught illustrator, Agoziem has worked on several book covers and digital art collaborations.

© Variant Literature Inc 2023